World Laughing at UK. Blame the Maybot

by Sandra Anderson

If the cardboard cutout TM alias Maybot had any guts she should be calling for a second EU referendum (probably reversing the last result, many of my English contacts think voters are realising the mess which exists) and suspect the results would be different.

There would of course be a cost but much less than currently envisaged should the vote be reversed, a bit of crawling required.

At least the rest of the world, far less Europe, would stop laughing at UK. Other countries don’t care.

She might even be able to regain some respect, hold on to her job and sleep at night.

She ain’t the lady who was not for turning although Maggie T did in fact know when to turn.

She might even be able to claim to have saved the Union…… Though I suspect in the long run it is too late for that.

Published by Stewart Lochhead

Freelance journalist presenter. Radio. Audio/Video Podcasts.

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